Office Baby Shower Food: What to Serve?

When you are planning the office baby shower, food is just an important a consideration as any other aspect of the baby shower. In all actuality, the in the office baby shower, food can make or break the celebration.

The food you choose, however, will be determined by when the office baby shower will be held. There are two logical times to choose – during the lunch break and after office hours.

If the office baby shower is to be held in the cafeteria, then the baby shower food will not be too much of a problem. Each person can just order lunch as usual and it will only be a special cake or dessert that will need to be prepared. Everyone can have a hot meal with a minimum of fuss.

But when the office baby shower will be held in a conference room or other free room in the company, then lunchtime food becomes a special consideration. If you want to have a hot meal, then perhaps a Crockpot can be plugged in to keep a simple stew or hearty soup warm. Do ask for permission beforehand and choose the type of food wisely. The other people working through lunch may not appreciate having food smells wafting through the corridors and the people that come in after lunch hour may not like the smells that stick around either. Suffice it to say that now is not the time for that highly spiced meat stew or an especially pungent soup.

Cold lunches may be a good option here. Deli platters, fruit and cheese platters, cold sandwiches or salads are good choices for this kind of lunch. This simplifies the choice in utensils, too. Small plates and a fork may be all that is needed, unlike a hot lunch which would need bowls and spoons too.

When the office baby shower is held after office hours, then the baby shower food can be much simpler. A simple cake or dessert and drinks will suffice for this. Just remember, at no time should alcoholic beverages be allowed in an office setting. Select juices and sodas instead.

Having the office baby shower in a nearby restaurant can settle the food problem easily. You can all have separate bills, with each one paying just for what they've consumed. This way, no one pays for more than what they've ordered and it's fair to everyone.